Services begin with assessment.
After going through the intake process, a BCBA will conduct an assessment. This will include a caregiver/parent interview, standardized assessment, clinical assessment, indirect assessment, direct observation, and a written treatment plan.
The parent/caregiver interview will include questions about medical and family history, caregiver goals and concerns, and current skills.
An example of a common standardized assessment is the Vineland-3. It can take around 30 minutes to complete. This helps the BCBA determine hours and treatment goals.
The BCBA will conduct a direct observation of behaviors and skills and a clinical assessment. Some clinical assessments include the VB-MAPP, Socially Savvy, ABLLS-R, AFLS, EFLS, and Triad Social Skills Assessment. These are designed to assess your child’s skill strengths and deficits and help guide the determination of hours and treatment goals.
Indirect assessments of behavior include the FAST and QABF. These help the BCBA hypothesize the function of the behaviors of concern, along with the direct observation, so that a behavior intervention plan can be developed.
The written treatment plan summarizes all of the assessments. It outlines goals, criteria for mastery, behaviors, family/medical history, and a fade/discharge plan. Other information may be included.